Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nickel and Dimed- the dance

Last night we ran Act I. It was the first time yet to work all the scenes in succession. Our goal was less about the individual scenes but rather how to make smooth transitions between those scenes. We have so many characters coming off and on and so many props and set pieces to go with them that there is definitely a choreography to it all. In this scene I move a bed. In that scene I push a wall. I don't say or do much in Act I but how cool to be there watching it all start to come together. Due to the nature of the play, our rehearsals have felt disjointed. One night we may work one set of scenes and then the next we're working a different random set. Last night was the first time we got to work chronologically front to back. Start on page 11. Work through to page 26. For the first time in many rehearsals my Type-A personality was at peace.

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